Who does the Bible say created the heavens and the earth? God Adam Eve Zeus Genesis 1:1 The Bible says that the name of the first man was _____. Adam Clyde George Barney Genesis 2:20 Adam, the first man, named his wife _____. Eve Abigail Lady Bird Lucy Genesis 3:20 Noah built an ark to save his family from _____. a flood a comet a volcano an invasion Genesis 6 - 7 Who built a big boat called an ark to save his family from a flood? Noah Moses Jesus Columbus Genesis 6:13-22 Noah took two of every kind of _____ on the ark with him. animal sandwich lifeboat magazine Genesis 7:2 When Abram arrived in the land of Canaan, who lived there? Canaanites monsters Germans Samsonites Genesis 12:6 When Abraham went to the promised land, he lived in a _____. tent castle houseboat tree Genesis 12:8 Isaac intended to give the blessing to his oldest son, _____. Esau George Herman Roy Genesis 27:1-5 In order to make himself seem hairy and fool his father, Jacob put _____ on his hands and his neck. goat skins shampoo paint mittens Genesis 27:16 Who had a coat of many colors that his father gave to him? Joseph Peter Daniel Abraham Genesis 37:3 The king of Egypt in Joseph's time was called _____. Pharaoh Mayor for dinner Johnny Genesis 40:1-2 Joseph, one of Jacob's sons, became a ruler in the land of _____. Egypt Oz Dreams Alaska Genesis 41:41 Baby Moses was put in a basket in the _____. Nile River oven grocery store Rocky Mountains Exodus 2:1-3 Baby Moses was put in a _____ among the reeds in the Nile river. basket motorboat raft wagon Exodus 2:3 The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning _____. bush match house meatloaf Exodus 3:2 God told Moses to take off his _____ because he was standing on holy ground. sandals boots hat raincoat Exodus 3:5 Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and it became a _____. snake milkshake duck tiger Exodus 7:10 Moses struck the water of the Nile River, and the water changed to _____. blood chocolate lemonade milk Exodus 7:20 When Moses held his staff to the sky, the Lord rained _____ on the land of Egypt. hail cats and dogs worms rice Exodus 9:23 Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the _____. Red Sea fence Pacific Ocean highway Exodus 14 When the people of Israel were wandering in the desert, God fed them with bread from the sky, which they called _____. manna pancakes snow cupcakes Exodus 16:31 Who received the Ten Commandments on stone tablets? Moses Paul Fred Flintstone George Washington Exodus 31:18 The people of Israel sinned by making a calf out of _____ and worshiping it. gold chocolate clay sand Exodus 32:2-4 While Moses was on the mountain, Aaron made a golden _____, and the people worshiped it. calf horse eagle lion Exodus 32:4 The Israelites walked around the city of _____ seven times, blew their trumpets, and the walls fell down. Jericho Bethlehem Detroit Paris Joshua 6:15, 20 Gideon's army blew their _____, smashed their jars, and shouted, "A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!" trumpets noses chance balloons Judges 7:20 _____ was a very strong man, until his hair was cut off. Samson Esau Clifford Billy Judges 16:19-20 Ruth wanted to feed herself by picking up left-over _____ in the fields. grain cookies hamburgers waffles Ruth 2:2 God spoke to Samuel when he was a boy ministering in the _____. temple Navy forest desert I Samuel 3:1-10 The first king of Israel was named _____. Saul George William Arthur I Samuel 10:1 Samuel poured _____ on Saul's head and told him that the Lord had anointed him king. oil grape juice shampoo cream soda I Samuel 10:1 Samuel anointed Saul to be king by pouring _____ over his head. oil wine ketchup leaves I Samuel 10:1 When King David was a boy, he liked to play _____ and tend his sheep. the harp the guitar the piano basketball I Samuel 16:23 Who did David kill with a sling? Goliath Saul Jonathan Sihon I Samuel 17:1-51 When he was just a boy, David killed a _____ named Goliath. giant midget fisherman shepherd I Samuel 17:4-50 David killed a giant using only a _____ and five stones. sling rifle bazooka flame-thrower I Samuel 17:40-50 David slung a _____ at Goliath, striking him in the forehead. stone tomato water balloon pickle I Samuel 17:49 Saul threw a _____ David while David was playing music for him. spear at party for football to grapefruit at I Samuel 18:10-11 David wanted to build a _____ for God, but his son Solomon built it. temple stadium castle train I Kings 5:3-5 While there was no rain, Elijah drank from a brook and was fed by _____. ravens a waitress pizza delivery room service I Kings 17:6 The Lord sent _____ on Elijah's sacrifice to prove he was God. fire blood paint milk I Kings 18:36-39 King Ahab's wife, Jezebel, threatened to _____ Elijah because he had killed the false prophets. kill spank bless flunk I Kings 19:1-2 Psalm 23 says, "The Lord is my _____, I shall not want." shepherd hunter farmer soldier Psalm 23:1 Most of the book of Proverbs was written by King _____. Solomon Kong George Ahab Proverbs 1:1 Daniel had three friends who would not worship a statue and were thrown into a blazing, fiery _____. furnace river city pan Daniel 3 Daniel was thrown into a den of _____ because he prayed to God every day. lions bears tigers spiders Daniel 6:16 Who was thrown into a den of lions? Daniel Tarzan Jesus David Daniel 6:16 Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed by a big _____. fish turtle oyster seagull Jonah 1:17 The name of Jesus' mother was _______. Mary Martha Hannah Elizabeth Matthew 1:18 King Herod told the wise men that Christ would be born in _____. Bethlehem New York Tokyo pajamas Matthew 2:8 What were the twelve men who traveled with Jesus called? disciples prophets wise men centurions Matthew 10:1 Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two _____. fish steaks potatoes bananas Matthew 14:17 When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the lake at night, they thought he was a _____. ghost sea monster salesman statue Matthew 14:26 Jesus said to let the little _____ come to him, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as they. children puppies birds bunnies Matthew 19:14 When Jesus was buried, a big _____ was rolled in front of the tomb. stone tractor snowball carpet Matthew 27:60 Jesus healed many people who were _____. sick asleep purple dentists Mark 1:32-34 Sometimes Jesus would get up early in the morning and go off by himself to _____. pray shave exercise cry Mark 1:35 Jesus told the paralyzed man, "Get up, take your _____ and go home." mat girlfriend temperature medicine Mark 2:10 In Jesus' story, some of the farmer's seed fell along the path, and the birds came and _____. ate it up put it in their nesttook a dustbath planted it Mark 4:4 How did Jesus die? on a cross plane crash lung cancer old age Mark 15 Mary, the mother of Jesus, was pledged to be married to a man named _____. Joseph Herman Smith Oscar Luke 1:27 An _____ appeared to Mary to tell her that she would have a son named Jesus. angel eagle octopus army Luke 1:30-31 When Jesus was born, his mother put him in a _____. manger playpen drawer wastebasket Luke 2:7 What kind of building was Jesus born in? stable motel skyscraper hospital Luke 2:7 A group of _____ came to see the baby Jesus. shepherds seagulls firemen puppies Luke 2:8-20 After they obeyed Jesus, Simon Peter and the others caught so many _____ that their nets began to break. fish crabs turtles colds Luke 5:6 The disciples threw their _____ on the right side of the boat and caught lots of fish. net lunch worms seagulls John 21:6 The apostles told the Jews, "We must obey ___ rather than men." God women animals nobody Acts 5:29